Darwin Renovations & a Xmas Surprise
There's been radio silence over here for the past few months due to our time and energy being taken up with the renovations and challenges of starting anew in a new town, yes I have finally made the move, Howard Springs in Darwin. I bought 5 acres and a very good ordinary house, due to having a deadline of December for the major renovations we've been pushing ahead as fast as budget and manpower allows. I found myself some arms and legs [George] and between the two of us have made some amazing changes.
We've completed our ensuite bathroom, bedroom extension, outdoor covered deck, garden landscaping, and are making progress on our container guest house, third bedroom, and kitchen extension. Oh, and then there's the hoist that's gone in over the dip pool (aka spa) that I'm excited to use once a couple more minor alterations have been made.
It's been getting hotter here with the official end of Dry season on October 1st, although we've been getting rain for a few weeks already in what they're calling a 'wet build up' to the rainy season meaning higher humidity. Despite throwing water over myself I've found my limits with overheating a couple of times, noting that a feeling of nausea and weakness overcomes me and is my body's way of telling me to get under the air con asap. (For those scratching their heads - us quads, and some paras, lose the ability to regulate our body temperature, meaning no sweating, hence the water I tip over myself and put ice packs under my feet). I'd still rather the heat than being constantly cold and parking under a heater in the southern states.
And now to get clear on our December deadline - it's not just about the weather - there's another reason for getting things done for some down time. Now this won't be a surprise for anyone in our Facebook circles... my partner Jess and I are expecting a baby in late December (my bet is on Christmas Day). I've kept my sperm on ice for the past 20 years, had to fight to keep it frozen, and here's the payoff, at a grand old age of 51. ;)
Jess is the girl I met who was crazy enough to follow my adventures and be part of my life. For those interested in the process we went through to get pregnant, leave a comment and we might just get around to writing that post.. but for now here's a few pics for you to enjoy.
All the best,